
  1. ATER in the University of Franche-Comté (Besançon)

    Laboratoire de Mathématiques (LMB)

    Teaching (192h):

    • Normed Vector Spaces, tutorials, L2 Math.
    • Applied analysis (ODE), tutorials, L2 Math.
    • Mathematics for Economy and Management, tutorials, L1 Economy and Management.
    • Function series, tutorials, L2 Math.
  2. ATER in University of Burgundy (Dijon)

    Mathematical Institute (IMB)

    Teaching (192h):

    • Mathematical tools for Management, tutorials, undergraduate students.
    • Statistics and Data Analysis in Biology, tutorials, undergraduate students.
    • Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers, tutorials, undergraduate students.
    • Statistics for Psychology, tutorials, undergraduate students.
  3. PhD student in the University of Western Britanny

    Laboratory of Mathematics (LMBA)

    Teaching (90h/3y):

    • Mathematics for Physiscist and Chemists, tutorials.
    • Analysis 1, tutorials, L1 Math.


  1. PhD in Mathematics

    Univeristy of Western Britanny
    This thesis adresses two distinct subjects. The first part examines the asymptotic behavior of scalar waves in the Vaidya spacetime, describing a spherical white hole evaporating via emission of isotropic dust. The analysis focuses on the regularity of conformal scalar waves at the isotropic boundary (past and future) of the compactified spacetime, depending on the initial data of the conformal field. Additionally, we construct the conformal scattering operator, demonstrating its ability to encode the entire field evolution in the compactified spacetime.These findings rely on energy inequalities and vector field methods.The second part centers on analyzing incoming isotropic curves in the purely radiative Robinson-Trautman spacetimes of type D. In contrast to a previous study on Vaidya’s metric, these curves do not form the past horizon due to the solution’s geometry. The final chapter categorizes these curves, revealing a behavior akin to that observed in Vaidya’s spacetime.
    Read Thesis
  2. Master 2 in Theoritical Physics

    Aix-MArseille University

    Courses included:

    • General Relativity, Black Hole Theory
    • Quantum Field Theory, Symmetry and Physics Beyond Standard Model
    • Quantum Statistical Mechanis
  3. Master 1 in Fundamental Physics

    Sorbonne University

    Courses included:

    • Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Temporal Evolution of Quantum Systems.
    • Classical Field Theory, Special Relativity, Stadard Model Physics
    • Astrophysics and Cosmology.